Mixed Martial Arts 

Foundational Pathway

Certified Fitness Mixed Martial Arts Foundation Trainer


learning objectives 

At the end of this course, students will be able to: 

  • Understand the role of the trainer
  • Demonstrate the appropriate level of competence in MMA techniques and perform providing clear instruction them in a routine workouts.
  • Demonstrate understanding of safe and effective MMA techniques and exercise Activities.
  • Educate individuals on benefits of MMA
  • Provide Workshops and Training with a provisional certification
  • To be well-equipped with valuable sports science knowledge that can holistically be beneficial for participants and coaches alike
  • Implement optimal workouts, including those with no equipment
  • Build a firm foundation in planning a MMA lesson

    Professional Accreditations

    National Instructors & Coaches Association, NTU Alumni Club, Aviva Privilege Program.

    In supporting National Instructors & Coaches Association (NICA), NTU Alumni Club and Avivia members with skills deepening programmes for NROC coaches and Fitness Instructors such as the courses offered by Maximum Wellness, both NICA and NTU Alumni Club members enjoy lower course fees. Funding support is provides NTUC and NICA members with Union Training Assistance Programme (UTAP) for 50% subsidy of the balance unfunded course fee, up to $250 or $500 per calendar year (for NICA/NTUC union members aged 40 and above).


    • Understanding the Roles of a Trainer
    • familiarisation of terminologies, stances as well foundation techniques found in Mixed Martial Arts, Exercise and Fitness
    • Mixed Martial Arts Theory –Origins & History of MMA
    • Proper warm ups and types of warm ups
    • Applications of Exercise (Striking, Grappling and Ground Combative)
    • Lesson conceptualisation, planning and implementation
    • Applying E-resources to further develop an enhance lesson planning and teaching
    • Administering fundamentals of First Aid and Handling Accident Injuries
    • Class management and emergency
    • Mixed Martial Arts fitness training components (levels/intensity/progression)
    • Sparring, refereeing and supplementary activities
    • Grading and ranking

    class size and delivery

    The average trainer/student ratio is 1 : 20 (lecture) The average trainer/student ratio is 1 : 20 (tutorial/practical)

    Learning Assessments 
    • Formative; lesson planning 
    • Summative; Demonstration and quiz

    With a valid Licenced Certificate Graduates have access to coach in 109 community centres, 17 sports stadium and are eligible to apply for professional registrations with National Instructors & Coaches Association (NICA) and National Registry of Exercise Professionals (NREP). Associate Coaches earn between 80 and 100 dollars an hour. 


    Duration & Intakes

    Full time application 

    • Corporate entities please enquire (max 30:1)
    • Duration: 2 days (19.67 hours)
    • Monthly course intake from January to December 2023. Upcoming dates: Last Weekend of each Month 

    Part time application 

    Not Available - 

    Fees & Structure


    Full Fee $800 Course fee. Application fees: $100 inclusive in course fee. Total $800.


    # All application fees are non-refundable.
    # All fees quoted does not require GST

    Grants and discounts
    • Not Available - 
    Entry Requirements

    All applicants must be of age 18 and above, and meet at least all of the following 

    • Graduated with the Certificate in Fitness and Aerobic Kickboxing Leader Training (Provisional) 
    • Language competency GCE N Levels
    • Former or Current athletes, sports and fitness coaches/instructors/trainers

    © Copyright SGFit Muaythai 2023